You borrowed some books from your college library. Unfortunately, you must go away to visit a sick relative and cannot return the books in time.
Write a letter to the library. Explain what has happened and tell them what you want to do about it.
So let’s get to it. But before you read further, I recommend you attempt the above question without reading my response.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing this letter to explain why I have been unable to return the two psychology course books that I borrowed a week ago from the McGill Redpath library, which are now past due.
On December 15, after issuing the books from the library, my grandmother called to inform me that my grandfather had fallen down the stairs and was rushed to the hospital. Since my parents passed away in a vehicle accident when I was 10 years old, they were my primary caretakers and only family. Therefore, I rushed to Ottawa immediately to provide assistance and support. It was my intention to stay only for a few days until my grandfather’s condition stabilized; however, his recovery has been slow, and my grandmother has fallen ill because of the stress. If my grandfather is released from the hospital in the next few days, I should be able to come back in a week.
Please waive any fines that may have accrued due to these extenuating circumstances.
Yours sincerely,